Dexaprine Diet Pills

by Diet Pill Center on April 14, 2014

Dexaprine Diet Pills

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Dexprine is a nonprescription weight loss pill that markets itself as being an appetite suppressant that can provide an energy boost. That said, this product has also experienced quite a bit of controversy because of the powerful side effects that it had produced in some users.

Should this product be considered a great option for weight loss or an option that is too dangerous to use? It is important to investigate it further in order to know for certain. The best place to start is with the ingredients that make up the product’s formula.

Looking into the current formula that makes up Dexaprine shows that the primary ingredient that used to cause all of the dangerous side effects has now been removed. The previous ingredients had been banned in many countries including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand. Now, all of its ingredients are legal for sale in those countries.

The current formula is made of caffeine, green tea extract, acacia rigidula extract, and citrus aurantium. Looking at that ingredients list, the consumer should still be cautious as there is still a high risk that side effects will occur. This is particularly true because of the citrus aurantium that it contains. Another name for that substance is bitter orange That ingredient contains synephrine, which is a substance about which the FDA has released a warning. The reason is that there is a considerable chance of side effects when that substance is used.

This is worsened by the fact that the synephrine is not the only stimulant that this product contains. Green tea extract contains caffeine and, of course, the caffeine itself is also a stimulant. By combining all of those stimulants, the chances are that many users of this product will experience sleeplessness, shakiness, trembling, diarrhea, anxiety, and other unwanted symptoms.

While stimulants can help to produce the benefits that Dexaprine claims, the energy level increase is the result of the high stimulation that causes the side effects and the appetite suppression is typically because the individual is tense enough that he or she doesn’t want to eat. That is neither a healthy nor a pleasant way to diet.

It is very important to speak with a doctor before starting to take Dexaprine as its ingredients can conflict specifically with certain common medical conditions, drugs, medications, and supplements. It is unlikely that a doctor would recommend the use of this product.

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