Adios Diet Pills

by Diet Pill Center on January 10, 2014

Adios diet pills for slimming

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Adios is the regular strength version of an over the counter diet pill product that is sold in the United Kingdom. The stronger version of these pills is called Adios Max. This product has been available for a number of years on the U.K. market and made a large splash upon its introduction, through fun and bubbly commercials aimed at young women with busy lives. Now that it has been on the market for a number of years, the ads are no longer being played but the product is still readily available in the country and is among those with the lowest price tag.

Adios diet pills are manufactured by Evolution Slimming. Though they are not expensive and have a 30 day money back guarantee when purchased through the manufacturer, that same company does not provide any clinical evidence or references to medical studies that would suggest that there is any proof that its ingredients can promote weight loss. Moreover, due to the nature of the formula, it looks as though any weight that is lost may be water that was retained by the tissues and not fat, meaning that this reduction could be very temporary.

While perusing various consumer review sites at the time of the writing of this piece, there were also a number of complaints mentioned by customers regarding side effects that they had experienced. When taking a closer look at the ingredients in the formula, this is not entirely a surprise.

The first ingredient is fucus dry extract. This is a form of seaweed that contains high iodine levels. This may have been added to compensate for any iodine missing in a dieter’s body, as this substance is required to produce a hormone called Throxin, which is a vital contributor to healthy metabolism maintenance. That said, this ingredient has never been directly connected with weight loss in any major reputable clinical studies.

The second ingredient is boldo dry extract, which is a powerful laxative that causes fluids to be flushed from the body for the temporary appearance of weight loss, though it does not cause fat to be reduced.

The third ingredient is butternut, which also goes by the name of white walnut or juglans cinerea. This helps to increase the rate of defecation and is typically used as a treatment for intestinal or stomach discomfort or dysentery. It is not connected with weight loss.

The last ingredient is dandelion root, which is a powerful diuretic which, like the second ingredient causes water loss, not fat loss.

As the weight loss caused by Adios is unlikely to be fat, it is not a product that would be recommended for anything but the most temporary weight loss.

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